Hello, boy has it been a while. I looked at the last blog that I wrote and it was from summer break almost 2 years ago saying that I was back and that I would be writing much more…well here I am! Things are so hectic for me, now more than ever because I am in my last semester of nursing school (applause). I cannot wait to be done but I have much to accomplish before then. I just thought I would surprise those who follow me with a quick hello and a bit of an update in my life. Things are going swell and my time is mostly  consumed with work and school, with a little bit of reality television on select nights of the week. I have been precepting in labor and delivery and I love it…seeing the miracle of life each day that I work is so amazing and I feel very lucky. I have only just begun my work there and I have learned so much, with 12 weeks left! I hope that all is well with everyone out there and maybe I will surprise you all, and myself, with another post some time soon.

Only 23 days until summer and I am so excited. The school year is winding down quickly for me and I am thrilled that I will get to have my life back. I am working full time for the summer but I am so excited to not have homework. Life has been pretty crazy this semester, therefore, I have lost touch with a lot of people and even a little bit with myself…it seems like I am always doing homework and studying, but hey, the life of a nursing student. I have several goals for the summer and I thought that I would list just a few:

1. Read. I have missed reading recreationally so much. Every now and then I will get a night where I will spend 20-30 minutes reading, but it is rare.

2. See family and friends at least once a week. I will be working full time but I am hoping that the weekends will bring me some freedom and with the fact that I am staying in Tacoma over the summer, I am really going to try to get together with the people who mean the most to me.

3. RELAX. I do not want stress in my life over summer.

4. Enjoy myself.

Those are just a few of my goals and it will be interesting to see what working full time will bring to me. I have never worked full time and and I am really looking forward to the paychecks 🙂

I hope everyone is having a great beginning to their May and who knows, the next time I get time to post something, it may be summer!

Alright so this might not be the best week I have ever had but it comes really close. I have really enjoyed being on spring break and relaxing. I thought that I would give you a little bit of a run down of what my typical day to day activities have been:

  • I do not like to sleep in too late so I usually set my alarm for 8:00. I have an Ihome so I wake up to music and lay in bed listening to music until about 9:00. I have not been listening to the songs on shuffle, lately I have been spending my mornings with Scarlett Johansson and Pete Yorn, John Mayer, and Jon McLaughlin.

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  • At 9:00 I spend a little while watching Golden Girls, which is one of my favorite shows, during which I also eat breakfast

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  • After this, I shower and prepare myself for the day by checking my e-mail and doing other important web browsing activities.
  • Around noon I go get myself some lunch and then watch a little bit of T.V., read, or browse the web for a while.
  • At 1:30 I head to work at the Boys and Girls Club.

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  • After I get home I have some dinner and spend a little bit of time on the web and watch some T.V., usually ICarly (I don’t know what it is about this show, but I love it), or watch a movie.

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  • When I feel like it is about time to go to bed, usually around 10:00 or 10:30, I read. Currently I am reading Belong to Me and I am really enjoying it.

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  • After I read, usually until about 11:30, I turn on Golden Girls once again and fall asleep.

These days have been glorious, as you probably have determined from reading the about details. Tomorrow I am going to spend the day doing some homework though and then I am getting a massage, which should be amazing. I hope that everyone is enjoying your week!

I just returned from my class and I am tired! 3 hours is a very long time to sit in a class room but I made it through! Today was rather boring because we mainly discussed the nitty gritty stuff about the class but I think that the topics we are assigned to read should be really intriguing. I have to work this afternoon and I am really looking forward to seeing the kids.

In other news, I have been obsessed with the music that I recently purchased. I bought the Joshua Radin CD Simple Times and the Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johansson CD Break Up. They are both outstanding and I cannot get enough! I also bought some Miley Cyrus jams, which I have really enjoyed rocking out to. I bought the Kings of Leon song Use Somebody and I think that I will buy the entire CD. The more I think about it, the more I think that I really like them.

On last thing…I watched Julie and Julia last week and I loved it! I love Amy Adams and Meryl Streep, they were both fantastic in their roles and it really made me want to blog! A thought: why is that in movies women always have 3 girlfriends that they go to lunch with? Who really has 3 friends that do everything together? I don’t buy it.

Anywho, this post was rather scattered but I feel like it is quality. Have a wonderful day!

I have a story to share of two friends who longed to see eachother. This story is not very exciting but it ends with a laugh and maybe a little bit of hope.

So last week I was trying really hard to get together with an old friend but our schedules were not agreeing with eachother at all. So I figured out a time when I would be in the area that her work (Lumbermans) is located in and I could just stop by and say hello. I was finally there and I was so excited to see her. I texted her right before I got there to let her know that I was coming and she was like oh that’s awesome because I have nothing going on. So I get there and I park and I was really confused because I was thinking to myself How could she not be doing anything right now, it is crazy busy? I just brush the thought of my should and I saunter in, trying to go unnoticed and when I get in, I didn’t see her. I sort of walked around the store trying to seem inconspicuous when I was texting her asking her where the heck she was. She finally answered me back telling me that I was most likely at the wrong Lumbermans, which I was, and I felt like a fool.

This story ends sadly with two friends who still have yet to see eachother and one of them is still trying to forget that awful encounter with stupidity. Perhaps they will see eachother in the near future, but the one who commited the stupid act will have to make sure she knows where she is going before anything will work out.