This week on The Bachelor was quite an eventful one, with not as much drama. I loved the hometown dates and the families were all pretty normal, which I think may be a first. My favorite hometown was probably Tenley’s. He was sooo awesome with her family and it was really sweet how much they connected with him. My least favorite, if you can guess, was Vienna’s; although I though that it was comical because it was very different from the rest of them. The dog, I must say, was ridiculous. I was really sad about Ali leaving, I really like her and I was shocked by the fact that she acutally left because of how much he was asking her stay….That would be a really hard decision to make, though. Personally I think that I would have stayed. Although it was sad, it was also really admirable of her because sometimes people come on these shows and they just throw themselves at the bachelor/bachelorette and it seems they will do anything. She will find someone eventually though, she seems like a really likeable girl who can meet people easily. I think this may be my shortest review yet…It is hard to remember what happened on the episodes when you procrastinate.

On sort of that same note, my head feels like it is going to explode. Spring semester is in full swing on only the second day and I am feeling very overwhelmed. Luckily I have a nice long five day weekend, which should give me a good amount of time to get caught up on the amazing amount of work that I have to do before next Wednesday.

In other news, I am super excited for a dance audition that I will be attending on Friday! I have not danced in so long and it is going to be really nice to get out there and do it again. It is just for fun for a show that PLU has in April. I am really looking forward to it and I will most definitely let you know how it goes.

Lastly, I am sorry that I have not posted any book reviews yet. Last week I finished another book and I am half way though another one (so I owe you a few reviews)! No worries though, I will try to find some time this weekend and hopefully I can inspire someone out there to read the wonderful books I have been enjoying lately! I hope that everyone has a great ending to their week!

Tonight was the season premiere of The Bachelor and the network is now calling it “The Bachelor On the Wings of Love”. I have to disagree. I was a bit skeptical of their decision to cast Jake as the new bachelor and I am still unsure of how this season is going to turn out but I am a little disappointed in the women that were picked for the show. I was sad that the only 2 girls that I liked were sent home, and they were both pilots, which I found interesting. I just wanted to write a little bit about my impressions of the show and find out if the avid watchers out there agree. Mostly I am just procrastinating unpacking my stuff from home. I have returned to school and tomorrow is the first day of J-term, which should be interesting. I am taking a philosophy class that I have previously stated as a class that I do not need to take. It is philosophy of creation and evolution which I think will be pretty entertaining none the less. Since I am only taking one class and only working two days a week, I am hoping that I will have some time for recreational reading. I know that once spring semester starts, pathophysiology will be life, as I plan to start studying for it before the term even starts (it is reputably the hardest class in nursing school at PLU). I received some books for Christmas and I have a couple of books that I have had for quite some time that I have been wanting to read. The books I would like to read by the end of January are as follows:
1. Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner. I am about half-way finished with this book and I am loving it.
2. Catching fire by Suzanne Collins. This is the sequel to the Hunger Games and I have been waiting for the time to read this book.
3. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. My sister gave me this book for Christmas and she said that it was really good so I am also looking forward to this one.
4. Last but certainly not least, Love the One You’re With by Emily Griffin. This is the same author as Something Borrowed and Something Blue, which I really enjoyed so I am hoping this book will be great as well.
That is a lot to accomplish in four weeks but I think that I can do it. I plan to update you on my progress and give you a review of the books and what I thought of them.
I have so many things that I want to write about from my break but that will have to wait for another day (hopefully tomorrow) along with a report on how my first day back to reality went. Right now I need to get my booty motivated and finish unpacking…7:30 is going to come early tomorrow morning.

I have a story…as promised from yesterday’s blog. A couple of weekends ago I was getting frustrated because I still have not received my degree from the community college that I graduated from in June and they told me that I would get it four months after the completion of my classes; it has now been six months. I was looking through paperwork from the school and I decided that I should look at my transcript online to make sure that I actually did get the degree I thought that I applied for. Sure enough, my degree was posted, and even better, it was posted as a direct transfer degree. This means that when my classes got transferred to PLU I wouldn’t have to take any general university requirements. Unfortunately, for some reason PLU did not have me listed as having a direct transfer degree and they told me that I had to take 5 more classes. So I was already registered to take a class during J-term for one of the requirements to get it out of the way and I was so excited when I found out I didn’t have to take it. To make a long story short, I carried out so much correspondance with the school that pretty much went as follows: SPSCC sent my transcripts before my degree was posted so I would have to request a new official transcript, I did this and the school still has not received it (one frustrating thing), in the place of the class I am taking I was going to take a phsychology class so that I could get a minor but they were all full (pretty much a lose-lose situation there), if I did drop the class and the school received my transcript I could do two things: pay $450 for food and not take a class but just work or pay $200 for the late fee to cancel my room and stay home for an extra month and not work (also a lose-lose situation). There has been so much fuss and stress over this (and I am sure there is so much to the story I have left out as I have been dealing with this for the last 2+ weeks) that I just decided to keep the class because J-term tuition is free, I could still work, and then when PLU gets my transcript I would be fine and I would gain some new knowledge from the philosophy class that I am taking (I am trying to look at the silver lining). SOOOO that is the story.

In other more exciting news, tomorrow we are having our family chrismas party and I am really excited; it is my favorite part of Christmas!!!
This is last years Christmas tree…I just wanted something Christmasy on here though! And I won’t be such a butt about posting pictures on here so I will post some pictures from the partay tomorrow! Hope you are having a great weekend!